
The camera_tunables.lua is responsible for creating the settings for the C.H.A.S.E.R chase cam, this file stores and creates the profiles that can be alternated while using it. In order to create a camera profile, inside the camerasettings key, fill the tire profile in this manner:

(P.S: Unlike the other .lua files, here you NEED to use a INT, so only 0,1,2, etc, and not "far{ }" "mid{ }")

camerasettings = {
    [0] = {
        name = "Follow - Medium",
        isbumpercamera = false,
        isfpvcamera = false,
        interpolationfactor = 0.01421875,
        zheight = 0.6,
        zheightbike = 0.55,
        basefov = 65,
        joltintensity = 0.66,
        dynamicfovgainfactor = 20.25,
        basepitch = 0.675,
        coastpitch = 0.85,
        accpitch = 1.0,
        brakingpitch = 0.525,
        brakingforwardfactor = 2.25,
        brakinganimationspeed = 0.00544375,
        brakinganimationreturnrate = 11,
        useangularvelocity = false,
        useangularvelocityondriftonly = true,
        useinvertedangularvelocity = true,
        driftingbackwardsfactor = 0.3,
        driftinganimationspeed = 0.024125,
        driftinganimationreturnrate = 11,
        nitrousbackwardsfactor = 10.0,
        nitrousanimationspeed = 0.006,
        nitrousanimationreturnrate = 8, 
        useautodriftangle = true,
        autodriftangletarget = 35,
        autodriftvisibilityfactor = -1.5,
        mincameradriftangle = 0.0,
        maxcameradriftangle = 1.75,
        mindriftangle = 12.5,
        maxdriftangle = 65,
        enabledriftcamerashake = false,
        driftcamerashakefakespeed = 175,
        driftcamerashakewavefrequency = 32.5,
        enablehighspeedcamerashake = true,
        highspeedcamerashakemagnitude = 0.00425,
        highspeedcamerashakefrequency = 50,
        orbitcamspeed = 30,
        orbitcamsensitivity= 0.60,
        orbitcamresettime= 350,


The camera name.


If it is a bumper camera (hood camera), if this is enabled, all other factors will be disconsidered. (but should still be filled.)


If it is a first person view camera, if this is enabled, all other factors will be disconsidered. (but should still be filled.)


The main attribute of the camera, constrols the speed of interpolation, consequently how close the camera is from the car the higher it is, the closer it will be, the lesser it is, the further. Be careful increasing past default value, as it may cause jitter.


How high the camera is in relation to the vehicle roof or highest point.


How high the camera is in relation to the vehicle roof or highest point (on bikes).


Starting F.O.V


Intensity of the jolt shake effect when landing of a intense airtime.


Base offset for the camera pitch when idling/stoppd, the more, the upwards the camera will look, the less, the more downwards.


How much the camera looks upwards when not accelerating, nor braking, the more, the upwards the camera will look, the less, the more downwards.


How much the camera looks upwards when accelerating, the more, the upwards the camera will look, the less, the more downwards.


How much the camera looks downwards when braking, the more, the upwards the camera will look, the less, the more downwards.


How much the camera goes forward while braking, the more, the closer, the less, the further.


How fast the camera goes forward when braking the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


How fast the camera returns to center when releasing the brakes the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


Considers angular velocity when turning regurlaly, and translates that to the camera, use this for "agressive" transitions.


Considers angular velocity when turning regurlaly, and translates that to the camera only when drifting, use this for "agressive" transitions.


Inverts the angular velocity, good if using only drifting, without auto drift angle


How much the camera goes backward while drifting, the more, the further, the less, the closer.


How fast the camera turns towards the drift angle when drifting, the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


How fast the camera returns towards the neutral angle post drifting, the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


How much the camera goes backward while using nitrous, the more, the further, the less, the closer.


How fast the camera goes backwars when using nitrous the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


How fast the camera returns to center when the nitrous ends the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


Automatically figures the best way to keep with the car when drifting, reccomend to be enabled, if enabled, manual drift angle controls are disabled.


The target slip angle of the camera, meaning until how much it will turn, edit this to increase or decrease the angle the camera auto locks.


Increase this value for more focus on the road when drifting, decrease it for more focus on the car when drifting. depending on your camera settings, sometimes you might need to use this value as negative, so for example, on the medium distance camera, we use it at -1.5 to keep a similar effect to the near camera setting.


The minimal drift angle that the camera will start, ideally, this should never be changed, however, the more, the more visbility on the corner when


The Max drift angle that the camera will turn into, the more, the more visbility on the corner when drifiting,


The minimal drift angle specified for the camera start to shift the camera drift angle, meaning the camera angle will only start going to the specified max if your drifting angle is more than the one specified here.


The Maximum drift angle specified for the camera finish to shift the camera drift angle, meaning the camera angle will reach it's peak when at the angle specified here.


Enables a shaking effect when drifiting, similar to popular modern arcade racing games.


Simulates a shaking effect at a fake speed, given in km/h, the more, the stronger the shake, the less, the weaker.


Simulates the wave used for the shaking effect when drifting, the less the longer the shake (will go and down higher/lower), the more, the smaller.


Enables a shaking effect when at high speeds.


The magnitude (intensity), of the camera shake, the more, the stronger, the less, the weaker.


Simulates the wave used for the shaking effect, the less the longer the shake (will go and down higher/lower), the more, the smaller.


The speed of the orbitcam, the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


The sensitivity of the orbitcam, the more, the faster, the less, the slower.


The time that the player needs to not have a mouse input in order for the orbit cam to reset to default, given in MS, the more, the larger, the less, the smaller.

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