NUI Events
Chaser has a couple of NUI events when the default hud is enabled, they’ll will always be send as “action” and follow as:
Hides the default ui
The action that updates the hud main data, has the following keys:
currentrpm - Engine speed in RPM
currentspeed - Current speed, either in kmh or mph depending on chaserconfig.lua
tcs - Traction control state, will be set to true when tcs is being used (different from active)
ecs - Stability control state, will be set to true when ecs is being used (different from active)
lc - Launch control state, returns a string of either “on” “off” or “active”
atlockstatus - Returns true when AT gear lock is active.
nitrous - Returns the nitrous capacity, in normal % (instead of 0.5, will be 50%)
currentdriftscore - Returns the current drift score.
currentdriftmultiplier - Returns the current drift score multiplier.
The action that starts the speedometer, has the following keys:
maxrpm- The vehicle max rpm
The action that shows when a assist is active on the speedometer, has the following keys:
assist - The assists to show, either “tcs” or “esc”
The action that hides when a assist is disabled on the speedometer, has the following keys:
assist - The assists to show, either “tcs” or “esc”
The action that updates the hud main data, has the following keys:
currentgear- The vehicle current gear
transmissiontype - The vehicle transmission type in id 0 = Sequential 1 = AT 2 = Manual w/ clutch 3= EV
speedtype - The unit the speedo is in, depending on chaserconfig.lua either kmh or mph
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